

  1. 我們相信神是聖潔、至高、創造並救贖萬有的獨一真神,是永存的三一神——聖父、聖子、聖靈三位格。
  2. 我們相信新舊約聖經都是神的默示且全然可信的,原稿毫無錯誤,是信仰與行為各層面的最高權威;聖經的規範適用於任何族群、任何時代、任何文化。
  3. 我們相信所有人都同樣是按著神的形像造成,但如今皆犯了罪,招致神的義怒,並帶來羞愧與罪疚。因此,每一個人都全然需要神的救贖。
  4. 我們相信耶穌基督是我們的主,祂是道成肉身神的兒子,是完全的人,也是完全的神,是唯一的救主。我們相信耶穌基督是童貞女所生,毫無罪性,受難而死,肉身復活並升天。我們相信耶穌基督已終極得勝,勝過魔鬼和所有的邪惡權勢。
  5. 我們相信唯獨藉著信靠耶穌基督,罪人得以因著神的恩典被稱為義。(建議:我們相信罪人得以被稱為義,是惟獨藉著信心、惟獨因著恩典、惟獨基督的緣故。)
  6. 我們相信聖靈,祂的工作使人知罪、使人重生、使人成聖與復興。聖靈帶領並賜下能力使個人與教會得以服事神、服事他人。
  7. 我們相信信徒皆祭司,且彼此相通合一,形塑一聖而公之教會。
  8. 我們相信耶穌基督將以可見的形式親自再臨,帶著能力與極大的榮耀審判活人死人。我們相信聖經記載人類只有兩種終極結局:接受耶穌基督救恩的人享受與神同在的永恆生命;拒絕耶穌基督救恩的人則陷入永遠與神隔絕的痛苦處境。


What we believe

We are an international, cross-cultural, Christian mission committed to glorify God through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with East Asia’s peoples. For the sake of clarity and integrity in all our work and relationships, we humbly declare the following fundamental truths of the Christian faith and mission:

  1. We believe in the one, holy, sovereign, creating and redeeming God, eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe in the divine inspiration and entire trustworthiness of the Bible, its infallible teaching and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct; and its normative value for all peoples, at all times, in all cultures. We believe that all people without distinction are made in the image of God, but all are now sinners and have incurred both God’s holy wrath and their own shame and guilt. All are therefore in utter need of redemption.
  3. We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord, the incarnate Son of God, uniquely God-man and the only Savior. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension. We believe He has achieved the final defeat of Satan and all evil powers.
  4. We believe in the justification of sinners by God’s grace, through faith in Christ alone.
  5. We believe in the Holy Spirit and His convicting, regenerating, sanctifying and reviving work. He guides and empowers individuals and churches in their service to God and all people.
  6. We believe in the unity and priesthood of all believers who together form the one, holy, universal, apostolic church.
  7. We believe in the visible, personal return of Jesus Christ in power and great glory to judge both the living and the dead. We believe that the Scriptures set out only two destinies for humanity; the joyful prospect of eternal life in the presence of God for those who have received Christ and the agonizing prospect of eternal separation from God for those who have rejected Him.
  8. As an evangelistic agency in fellowship with local churches in many countries, we are called to be a worshiping, praying, caring fellowship committed to worldwide evangelism. We rejoice in our partnership with local churches on all continents, and pray that God will make us a humble, vigorous, attractive fellowship, bringing the good news especially to those who have never heard of Jesus Christ.