OMF stands for Overseas Missionary Fellowship.
More than 150 years ago OMF started under the name China Inland Mission. In the Netherlands, the organization was also known as the Overseas Mission Society. Hudson Taylor is the founder of OMF. When he was 21 years old, he went abroad to China as a missionary. In the following years hundreds of missionaries followed him. A characteristic statement by Hudson Taylor is: "You cannot trust the Lord enough and you cannot trust too much." He lived by faith. Prayer was his most powerful weapon to win the people of China for Christ. In addition, he was firmly convinced that mission would be more effective if there was a certain adaptation to the culture. So he dressed like a Chinese and grew a hair braid. Although he saw much fruit in his work, he saw himself as no more than a servant of the ever-faithful God.
All missionaries were expelled from China in the 1950s. This because of the communist revolution. The missionaries spread throughout East Asia, the current working area of OMF. First to work among Chinese population groups. Later also among local population groups. About 50 years ago, the first people were sent from The Netherlands through OMF.
The basisprincipes of OMF
Praying as an expression of faith is an integral part of our life and service.
Depending on God for holy living, fruit in our work and for all our needs
Inviting others to join us in a life of faith and prayer.
Valuing the diversity that God has given us – such as ethnic, denominational, generational, personality, gifts, gender. Respecting one another and maintaining our unity in Christ. Fostering unity and cooperation among Christians
With sending churches globally. With local churches in the ministry context. With like-minded Christians and mission agencies
Keeping a sharp focus on the neglected frontiers. Constantly evaluating and innovating in line with our vision. Taking prayerful risks and persevering with the task
Identifying with the people and living an appropriate lifestyle. Learning culture, language and worldview. Working in ways that encourage indigenous movements
Strategy is developed by those engaged in the ministry. Structures, administration and policies are designed to serve the ministry. Home and field work together to accomplish the ministry objectives.
Pursuing our vision and mission together. Caring for and supporting each other and sharing resources. Encouraging and enhancing each other’s effectiveness
Want to know more?
OMF Netherlands, Terschuur